"Faculty Awards for Professional Excellence" are presented each year to faculty members who substantially and demonstrably exceed performance expectations in one or more of the following areas: Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, or Service. In order to be considered for a Faculty Award for Professional Excellence, an eligible faculty member must be nominated for the award and must submit the necessary documentation to support that nomination, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed below. In order to receive a Faculty Award for Professional Excellence, an eligible faculty member who has been nominated and for whom the necessary supporting documentation has been provided must be selected by the Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee to receive the award.


"Faculty Awards for Professional Excellence" - Nomination Process
An eligible faculty member may be nominated by his/her immediate supervisor, by a full-time teaching faculty colleague at the college, or by any full-time professional or administrative faculty member at the college. In addition, an eligible faculty member may be self-nominated.


In order to eligible to receive a Faculty Award for Professional Excellence, an individual must:

  • Be a member of the full-time teaching faculty who is not in the first year of full-time employment as full-time teaching faculty at 91做厙
  • Have received an evaluative rating of "Meets Expectations" as of the most recently completed comprehensive faculty evaluation;
  • Be current in the establishment and assessment of Annual Performance and Professional Development Objectives.


Nominations are to be made by submitting the completed Nomination Form to the Vice President of Academic Affairs by February 1 each year.


"Faculty Awards for Professional Excellence" - The Application Portfolio
By February 15, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will notify nominees and provide guidance regarding the required supporting documentation. By March 15, nominees must submit supporting documentation in the form of an application portfolio. Portfolios will be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs electronically and should include:

  • a completed Faculty Award for Professional Excellence application form that provides a summary of the accomplishment, contribution, or activity for which they were nominated
  • documentary evidence of exceptional performance

Evidence provided in the application portfolio should be sufficient to establish that the accomplishment, contribution, or activity was innovative or otherwise distinctive, impactful, and supportive of 91做厙 mission, vision, and values.


What will Professional Excellence Award winners receive?
The nature and value of Faculty Awards for Professional Excellence may vary from year to year and are to be determined by the Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee. In general, however, the Faculty Award for Professional Excellence is to be of significant monetary value and is expected to be offered in the form of a bonus or in the form of professional development support, at the discretion of the recipient.


Typically, the monetary value of each Faculty Award for Professional Excellence is expected to be $2500. Recipients of the Faculty Award for Professional Excellence are responsible for any tax liabilities associated with acceptance of this award.


