
Did you receive an invitation to join Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society this semester? If so, congratulations on you academic achievement!

We are excited for you to benefit from all the opportunities Phi Theta Kappa has to offer to its members.

But Now What?

Step One: Learn More about Phi Theta Kappa

Visit  to learn about the member benefits. 

Step Two: Officially Become a Member

Visit and enter the unique passcode included in your email invitation . Complete the application and pay the one-time membership fee of $90. 

We are excited to be able to once again offer Phi Theta Kappa Membership Assistance Scholarships! These are partial scholarships that cover $70 of the $90 membership fee. The scholarship recipient is expected to cover the remaining $20. The application deadline for this semester is October 13. Use to apply. You will be asked questions about the induction ceremony but attending the ceremony is not a requirement in order to apply for the scholarship.

Step Three: Attend the Induction Ceremony

The ceremony is a moment for us to publicly welcome you as an official Phi Theta Kappa member. Although it is not required, it is a great way to be recognized and celebrate your academic achievements.

The next induction ceremony will be held on November 2, 2024 at 10 a.m. 

The induction ceremony will be held both in-person and virtually. Inductees and their guests can choose how they wish to participate. Visit the Induction ceremony website for the most up-to-date details and to RSVP.

The  deadline to register is Sunday, October 27

More induction questions? Contact Cara Luyster at

Step Four: Get Involved!

Educational events, ways to enhance leadership, membership socials, member meetings and volunteer opportunities are held throughout the year. Once you join, you will be added to the Phi Theta Kappa Canvas group to learn more about upcoming events!