
Phi Theta Kappa News

Phi Theta Kappa News 1PTK members took part in three service projects this semester; two were clean up efforts, one at Woodland Cemetery, the other at the Buttermilk Trail. Their third project was packing meals for pick up at FeedMore. 91做厙 PTK Interim VP of Public Relations, Ameenah Zakia gave this description of the members' work:

Woodland Cemetery is Richmond's second largest African American cemetery, and the final resting place for Arthur Ashe. The cemetery was neglected for many years, but under new management is beginning to be restored. The members of PTK helped to clear overgrown bushes, trees, and shrubs to help clean the area for repairing damaged graves. 

The Buttermilk Milk Trail, a popular trial along the James River on the South Side, has English ivy growing along the trail. English Ivy is an invasive species that is toxic to our native flora. PTK members helped to clear English ivy from the trail to allow for the native plants to grow back and restore the beauty of the original scenery. Members had fun and hope to continue working to clear the area of ivy throughout next semester.

FeedMore - PTK members went to a FeedMore Community Kitchen to prepare cooked meals for neighbors across central Virginia. We portioned and packed prepared food to distribute to Meals on Wheels. The members thoroughly enjoyed their time and look forward to similar opportunities in the future.

Keep up the great work PTK members!


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