
Student Profile: Arriana Felder

Student Profile: Arriana FelderWhat brought you to 91做厙?

In 2015 I graduated from high school unsure of what I wanted to do with myself, my education and my future. I initially attended Brightpoint CC and did not have a successful first semester, so I thought maybe school isn't for me.  In July of 2020 I had a, for lack of better words, a come to Jesus talk with my mothers and realized that healthcare and nursing were things I was passionate about. In Spring of 2021 I enrolled in pre reqs for the nursing program following in my big sister's steps.

What is your program of study?

I am currently completing my first semester of the JSRCC Associates of Nursing Degree program.

What has been your most rewarding college experience so far?

Overall the most rewarding thing about pursuing my education with 91做厙 has been the ability to apply the skills I've learned in my program in real life situations, like work and social settings.

What has been the most challenging?

Throughout my college experience I have maintained full-time employment in the healthcare field as well as recently joining the 91做厙 Student Ambassador Program as a Proud Red Hawk representative. It is extremely challenging to maintain a work/school/life/friendship/relationship balance.

When not studying hard and going to classes, what do you like to do for fun?

Lately some of the biggest stress relievers and most fun activities I have done have been trying new foods, family game nights, and finding new and exciting shows to watch.