
91做厙 PTK at work in the community: Finally in Person!

Since 2020, during covid times, PTK's community projects have all been virtual. Finally, on February 12th 2022, students were able to do their first in person - all outside - service project.

The long, cold day was spent at James River Park removing invasive plants from the trail around the Pumphouse Park area of the James River.

Kim Hasley and Cara Luyster co-advise PTK, and shared these details about what PTK has been up to.

How did PTK get involved with the Park? How many students participated? And, how was the day?

There were five of us all together. We worked with James River Park services to remove invasive plant species from the trail. We ended up picking up a lot of trash too, even though that was not our main job.

We used the "Hands On RVA" site to get in touch with the James River Parks. They provided the equipment we needed to cut down the invasive plants choking out the trees. We were out there for several hours and were all tired when we were done.

HandsOn Greater Richmond, is a way to connect with the community. It's easy. Just create a volunteer account and you can manage your own signups as part of this team.

What virtual community projects have you been doing since 2020?

Before 2020, we would do one service project a month-things like volunteering with BARK, Richmond Animal League, going to see kids in the hospital for a reverse Trick or Treat, and doing activities with residents at nursing homes. Approximately, 280 students have joined PTK every year since 2019.

With covid we couldn't get out into the community. We wanted to continue our project so, like everyone else, we learned how to be of service virtually. Here are a few of the virtual projects we've been working on since 2020.

BeMyEyes. This is an app used to help the visually impaired. It is a remote service done through a secure portal. Students could sign up for the app, and when someone needed their help interpreting visual information they would get a notification.

Donate! All PTK members were encouraged to donate to a local charity. From clothes, canned food, and money, all are encouraged to lend a helping hand during these hard times!

Transcribing historical documents. This project challenged students to jump back into community service by transcribing historical documents! Not only is this a fun and easy way to earn a credit towards the 5-STAR ENHANCEMENT PLAN, but it also can be done from the comfort of home! Students could explore, choose their favorite topic, and start transcribing!

Good Deeds Day. Students were directed to this website where they could choose a virtual service opportunity.


While there seemed to be no end to the service opportunities that sprang up from the turmoil of covid, the James River Park project was literally, and figuratively, a breath of fresh air. It was great to get back out in the community in person, besides it's hard to beat the satisfaction of a day of productive hard work.