
Yvette Brooks

Coaching and Recruitment Support Technician  

Where did you grow up, and what was it like?

I grew up here in Richmond as an only child. My mother who also work at 91做厙 (Ms. Theresa Brooks) was a great mother and is still my role model to this day.

What brought you to 91做厙 - aside from your mother?

I love what 91做厙 stands for and what we do here. It is very satisfying to see the students we help move on to bigger and better things.

How long have you been with the college? What were you doing before you came to 91做厙?

I started at 91做厙 after high school. I received my Business Administration degree while working at 91做厙 I have worked various positions. I started as a work-study student and moved to part-time and then on to my current job in Admissions and Recruitment.

Coaching and Recruitment is a busy area these days. Tell us about your work in the department.

I am the Admission and Recruitment Support Specialist. I can say I do a little bit of everything. From answering phones to helping student with applications, and more.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I currently have little free time outside of work as I am working on my Forensic Accounting Degree, but whenever I can I enjoy reading and traveling.

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV series, and why?

I don't know that I have a favorite book, but I really enjoy mysteries. I enjoy trying to figure out the who, what, and why.

If you won $100 million in the lottery what would you do with the money?

If I won the lottery I would complete my goal to visit all 50 states. So far I have marked off 14 states.