
Andrea Niedhammer

Director of Facilities Management and Planning

Where did you grow up and what was it like? 

I grew up in Connecticut on Long Island sound. I remember going to the beach with my family on the weekends. I think that is where my love of swimming and the beach started. It was a small New England town where you knew all your neighbors. We moved to upstate New York when I was in High School but consider Conn my home town.

Tell us a little about yourself. What were you doing before coming to 91做厙?

Before 91做厙 I was working at Magellan Health as the Director of Facilities. I worked out of the Glen Allen office but traveled to many different locations to build out new spaces or renovate older ones. I was lucky to go to Sacramento CA, Scottsdale AZ, Salt Lake City UT, Newport RI, Orlando FL, and a couple places in NY. I love to travel and got to see some beautiful sites in some of these locations.

How did you get involved in Facilities Management?

I graduated with a Degree in Architecture in NY and a recession was going on so I was able to get a job with a bank in Manhattan working in facilities division. I loved the fast pace of getting spaces designed and built and then renovating the old space. There was always plenty going on with banks growing or merging. Upgrading technologies made the working environment also change. Over the years I have enjoyed watching the evolving of the office as people knew it. So many changes in how we work, where we work, furniture that is ergonomically built, offices that are more informal, more collaborative spaces and less offices and personal space. Also rooms being used for multi purposes not just one thing. I look forward to seeing the office evolve into the future as our business needs change.

What do you like to do outside of work? Hobbies, interests, passions?

I love to read, and work in my garden, I enjoy traveling and spending time with my two year old grandson.

If you won $100 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Probably give a good amount to some charities I support. Then I would do somethings around my house maybe add a pool. I would help my son and daughter buy a house, new cars for everyone and take my whole family on a wonderful vacation.